Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kelly Osbourne to Miley Cyrus Haters: Back Off!

Miley Cyrus may have her detractors - from Bill O'Reilly to yours truly - but there's one person on whom the troubled star can count: Kelly Osbourne.
On location in New Orleans these days, filming So Undercover with the salvia-loving actress, Osbourne has a message for critics of Cyrus: back off!
"Miley and I have become really close," Osbourne Tweeted last night. "I'm sick of all the haters judging her."
Kelly Osbourne and Miley Cyrus
Kelly Osbourne is securely on Team Miley. Are you?
Hey, in defense of "haters," they wouldn't be living up to their label if they weren't critical, would they?
Alluding to the infamous bong video, Osbourne defends her pal by calling it "one mistake," adding:
"Trust me she has learned her lesson! This really makes me mad. Miley is one of the most hard working respectful women I have ever worked with I am learning a lot from her!"

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